The absent regulation on abnormally low tenders in Paraguay’s public works legal framework
public works, public procurement, antitrust law, abnormally low tenderAbstract
Abnormally low tenders are a common practice in bids for public works with harmful effect on competition and that should not go unnoticed due to the subtleties of the local legal system.
Although abnormally low tenders do not always fit the definition of “bid rigging”, the severe flaw in some legal system (in this case the Paraguayan one) is that they allow this behavior, encouraging bad-faith bidders to continue with their anti-competitive practices and discouraging good faith bidders from participating in bids with transparency criteria. This research will detail how the Paraguayan regulations for public works contracts (i.e. (i) the law on public procurement, (ii) the antitrust law (iii) with their respective regulatory decrees and (iv) the resolutions of the National Directorate of Public Contracts) contain a loophole regarding abnormally low bids. Furthermore, this paper will also describe some considerations from legal doctrine from Comparative Law on the subject as a guide for its regulation. Besides, it must not go without notice the most hazardous and direct effect of abnormally low tenders on public procurement: the loss on value for money.
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